Friday, March 28, 2008

The Show Must Go On!!!

Well... I realize that once again, its been sometime since I have written anything. Of course these days, who has the time too. There are multiple things happening in my life at the moment. Where do I begin?

I guess like always you should start with the good, and then transfer to the bad. So first to begin with, my sister (Lian) made it into the internship with B.U. and is going to be studying in France for 3 months. She is leaving in May and will be back mid July. Ok, so its more like two and one half months, but its close enough. To that extent, I myself might be going to Europe also for the summer. I have decided I need a break for a little bit. I have been staying home and or working for the last three summers, so I decided to take a little tour through Europe. I had originally decided on three cities, but due to the ever weakening U.S. dollar, I may have to reduce it down to two, possibly one. Prague is a definite for sure, but as to the other city I debating on either Amsterdam, London again, or possibly even Dublin. I have always wanted to go back to Ireland, and this might be the opportunity to do so. I have a few friends that might tag along, though most may only be able to be with me on the second half of the trip. Thats ok. I prefer to visit Prague on my own, experience the culture and possibly even pick up some Czech.

One of my great friends, Kasaundra Meza is getting married today. Mormons!!! No really though, I am every happy for her. Johnathan and Kasaundra really do seem to love each other, and hopefully this one will last. I have been kind of bad, and have yet to buy her wedding gift. Opps!!! Her wedding reception is tomorrow, and I am both greatly looking forward to it, and yet at the same time, scared to death of it. I have been looking forward to this reception for awhile now but then Kasaundra called me to notify the fact the Janice was going to be there. Oh goody. Kasaundra and I laughed however when she apparently told Janice that I was going to be there. Janice then stated that she would bring her friend/boyfriend, Erik Pedersen to "protect me from her." Seriously though, I really couldn't stop laughing when I heard that. One, as much as I deeply care for her, I have no interest in talking to her at the moment. Mostly for the fact that I am scared as to what I might "scream at her." If she wants to talk to me fine, I personally would like to keep this as civilized as possible. If that simply means, not speaking to each other, so be it. Second, I love the fact that somehow I am some kind of threat. Erik is somehow going to protect her from the "Evil Wai-lum." Pathetic really. Nice to know though that I have friends both in L.A. and Provo that support me. When Janice told Kasaundra about Erik stopping me, Kasaundra laughed and told her "She was being stupid." Naturally, Janice didn't respond back. Mostly because she knows Kasaundra is right. On an even funnier note, she blocked me from seeing her wall on facebook. I am not really sure what the purpose in that is. I don't see how it punishes me in some way, and its not like I know that her and Erik are together. To be honest, if she truly hated me, she would have returned my things both borrowed and given, blocked me from her facebook page and blocked me on Gmail chat. Sometimes, I wonder what I see in her that I find so attractive. I have a feeling that I am going to be telling all of this to a therapist some years down the road. Anyway, I am bringing a date/friend myself, Kimberly Roberts, so she can keep me entertained if need be. The only other downside, is that it is all the way in Riverside. Oy vey... no more long drives!!!

Spring break was pretty fun. For once I simply just got to relax, catch up on some long needed zzz's and clean up my apartment a little. Did some baking and some cooking for the girls. For the Easter weekend, I left for San Diego to see Grigory. That was an immense amount of fun, though I must remind myself never to get that wasted again. I agree I went a little over the top. Grigory and his roommate Chad had a little party to celebrate Spring Break 2008. Michelle Henderson (Hendo), came over, one of Grigory's friends from the Fraternity-Sorority. It must have been the alcohol talking but for some reason that night, I found her unbearably hot. All I could think about was making out with her. I might have tried to make a move on her but to be honest... well I only remember half of that night. The other half was a blur and I remember was waking in the morning with a splitting headache. Its been awhile since I have drank that much, and was still suprised to notice how high my tolerance still is. The rest of the weekend was fun. We simply just chilled, saw "The Bank Job" which for all of you, is a fantastic movie and you should all see it. My mistake for probably the entire weekend was traveling back up to L.A. in the early evening on Sunday, as traffic was horrendous and it took me nearly 3 hours to get back to Hollywood.

This Easter was nice at least in the fact that I actually got to sleep in. Since I met the Mormons, I think the last 3 or 4 Easters I have been going to church. This time, it was sleeping in till 12 pm. So beautiful.

That's about it otherwise. I figured I should write something. It has been awhile. My life is good. School will be over in the end of May and soon I will hopefully be in Europe relaxing in the easy going summer atmosphere of France, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, and possibly London and Ireland. Till next time....