Saturday, November 17, 2007

Love and Life: How one becomes lost.

Well, I guess this is my first real blog. What to say...

I am in Provo right now. I decided to take a break from it all, even if it was just for a weekend. Most people think I am crazy but in a way, I like Provo. Its simpler here. Life here moves at a much slower pace and people here seem more genuinely honest. The isn't a bunch of political b.s. that you find in LA. Traffic is easy and the weather here actually consists of seasons. I have several really great friends here so any chance I can get to see them I take.

The trip has been odd a best so far. Fun but odd. My flight arriving into Salt Lake was an hour late and at the time I had no way of contacting my ride. She was ok and we made it back to campus with plenty of time to spare. I just felt bad that she had to sit there for that long. My ride (Kasaundra) and I decided to get some lunch and hang out for a while until my friend who I am crashing with (Ian) came back home. It was nice. Its been awhile since I have had a real genuine conversation with somebody. I was pretty exhausted and so was she so our conversations near the end started to get a little off. Opps.

I later walked over to the HFAC (BYU's theatre department) to see if could see a few more friends. I saw Joey which was wonderful. He is currently working in the ticketing office so I joked around in my usual lame self and asked for a hamburger and fries.

I saw an old friend a few minutes later. Well really, a girl. I have actually known her since high school but only really got to know her during freshman year. I was hesitant to say hello earlier and to be honest I am not sure what changed my mind. It was nice to see her again but it was awkward at best. We haven't spoken to each other in some time and when I saw her, I lost the words with what I wanted to say and the conversation for both of us went into odd directions. Its hard in many ways. She was one of the first girls I really liked. I loved her in many ways and have missed her horribly, but after April, it all just fell apart. I have slowly moved on but when I saw her in person, a lot of emotions began to bubble up again. I guess some things never truly heal.

I am seeing BYU's production of Little Women tonight with the lovely Jessica Montgomery. I have never been a big fan of musical honestly, but this one I am rather looking forward too. Will have to see what happens later tonight and through the weekend.

I brought my suit I am not sure why. I guess I figured some one will make me come with them to church so I guess its better to be safe then sorry. Its chilly here in Provo. The day time temps are in the 50's but the night time temps are quite chilly. Generally in the low 30's. I like this kind of weather. I wish LA weather had an actually winter. I love coats, scarfs, gloves and the biting cold. Call me odd. I guess that's why I am in theatre.

There is not much more to say at the moment. I'll try to write some more tomorrow after church - its just sounds so weird to say or write that.

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