Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Winter Season has arrived

Winter has finally come and I have only one thing to say with that... "Well it’s about freaking time!!!" Most people think I am for the most part, nuts due to the fact that I actually enjoy cold weather. Personally my most hated season is summer. While I do enjoy the lazy dog days of summer, barbeques, summer loves, baseball, the beach and all around relaxation, I can't stand the weather. I like it to be cold, snowy and wet. It gives me a chance to wear some of my more favorite of clothes like sweaters, coats and scarves. Summers are just uncomfortable for me. I can't stand the incessant heat, humidity, having to climb into your car just to have your hands burned by the steering wheel or seatbelt, and everyday coming back to your apartment or home sticky from sweat. Plus, this kind of weather brings out the holiday season, and makes it feel more festive, more alive. I have always loved Christmas. Ever since I was a little child, I always loved the massive hustle and bustle, the cold air, all of the Christmas lights and the giant tree lit up every December.

Ok I guess back to my life. Thanksgiving was for the most part typical. The food was delicious but the family, well that’s just another story. As usual, my family for the most part seemingly just can't stand to be around each other, and are all simply there to do there proper thing, which if course is say hello to all of the people the continually ignore for most of the year and feast. Boy can my family feast. I general though, I feel my family is more just trying to get out of there as soon as possibly. The faster, the better! My mother says I should just stop complaining and that there really is no basis for my argument, because were Chinese. Apparently that makes all of the difference. Her claim, were Chinese not American and we don't follow the "Traditional American Holidays and values." I for one tend to disagree. Simple fact is, we are American, our race or where our family originated from has nothing to do with it. Also, as life goes on, and my sister and I continue to get older, proceed through college, have loves of our own, and begin careers, the less we will have time to spend with the family. Family, no matter how dysfunctional they can be, should try to enjoy what little time they have together. One day my sister and I will probably not be able to come home for the Holidays, most likely spending it with our "Significant Other" and my mother will then realize what it really meant for us to be home, even if it was just for a weekend.

I have noticed a shift in myself again. I guess it’s not really a shift but more a revert back to my indie self. I have always enjoyed the indie culture. Everything from the clothes to the music. For awhile, more from this last spring, I pulled away for awhile from it. Now that I think back, I guess I am not sure why. I figure I was just looking for a new direction in my life, with everything including style (both life and fashion) and music. More recently I have gone back to listening to my old indie cds. I finally found my old chucks, which I had been looking for all year, and have gotten back to wear my t-shirts, jeans, and shoes. I am slowly pulling away from looking completely prep like I did last spring. I did miss listening to all of my cds of the indie bands I had listened to in the past. Phantom Planet, Band of Horses, Interpol, Modest Mouse, Eisley, The Yeah Yeah Yeah's, The New Pornographers, The New Amsterdams and etc... The List goes on and could really fill up a page. The newer one I have taken an interest into of course is Forgotten Charity. An indie band based out in Utah, they are pretty good. I have a couple of songs I continually listen to over and over again, I really shouldn't do that, and have begun to keep up with the future plans including tour dates and song releases. This would probably be a whole lot easier if I actually lived in Utah. Don't worry!!! No plans to move out there anytime soon. Anyway, they are pretty good. I do enjoy them. They can be a bit emo for my taste at times but I can easily get past that. Actually to go of even further, a few friends (two girls, a guy and I) are looking at creating a band of our own, and I would be the vocals. More will be told of these plans really do come into fruition. Right now, our debate is not so much who will be doing what but rather, what to call ourselves and how to introduce the band to general public.

Not much is happening in school. It’s the last week of shows. Truthfully, I am relieved. The fall season is winding down and after next weekend, the official strike and the done till January. My stress will continue however with finals coming up in less then 3 weeks though. Oh joy. Surprisingly my grades have held up fairly well this year, and with a little luck, my finals will continue that course. The only true class I am worried about is my biology class. It’s holding up probably at just barely a C which means I am going to have to study my ass off to pass this final. No matter what though, I am probably going to wind up completing another year anyway. As before, I need to fix some previous grades. Ones that hopefully will never see the light of day. Not much in the way of love life. I still think about the girl in Utah on occasion, and still miss her, but that’s really about it. I enjoy hanging out with the girls I know at school, but with my social life in the crapper due to the fact that theatre and classes have taken it hostage, who has time to date these days. Maybe when things cool off for the winter/semester break... Not much otherwise. Hopefully, when I get a chance tomorrow, my next blog will delve more in depth into my more personal thoughts and such. Stay warm everybody. Happy Holidays.

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